The Directors and staff are very much aware of the ever-changing situation and of the growing concerns around Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Whilst the proportion of affected people remains low and we want to try and adopt a business as usual approach, we want to make our customers aware of some of the precautionary measures we have put in place across our branches to keep our staff, customers and their families healthy.
* In accordance with Government advice - Staff will not shake hands with clients until further notice.
* All staff have been provided with hand sanitizer to keep with them and use at all times.
* All staff have been provided with guidance for effective handwashing and again are encouraged to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly.
* We have increased the cleaning frequency of surfaces within the offices with particular attention being paid to handles and touch points.
Prior to arranging or attending any viewing, house visit or valuation we would ask that:
* If you are feeling unwell or displaying any of the main symptoms of Covid-19 that you make us aware so that we can arrange your appointment for a later date in line with recommended isolation timescales.
* If you have visited or been in contact with someone who has visited a high-risk country in the past 2 weeks then please make us aware so we can discuss and agree the appropriate course of action.
We will continue to monitor closely public information and adopt any necessary guidelines provided by the government in the best interests of our staff, customers and their families.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding COVID-19 then more information can be found at - NHS ONLINE
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01245 500599