
How to prepare your home for the Winter months
December, 2015

How to prepare your home for the Winter months

The onset of winter is exciting for a lot of people but the change in temperature and weather conditions means that it is best to plan ahead and be prepared for what the winter months will bring. This is especially true for your home and if you are looking to get through winter unscathed, it makes sense to ensure that you know how to prepare your home properly. There are a number of different tasks you can undertake to care for your home during the winter months and this guide will show you some simple yet vital steps.

Clear out drains and gutters

While you may want to dismiss the idea of clearing out drains and guttering, when it comes to preparing your home for the winter months, it is a very important task. If debris such as mud and leaves become too much in your drains and guttering, it can cause breaks and leaks, which could damage your walls and roof. This is why you should look to clear out your guttering before the bad weather sets in, minimising the likelihood of suffering over the winter period.

Have your boiler serviced

In the winter, you rely on your central heating more and this means that you want to make sure that your boiler is in good working order. It is good to be proactive and if you want to have your boiler serviced, make sure you call on the services of a proper registered engineer. This may be a time to also think about obtaining cover for your boiler but at the very least, you need to make sure that you are being proactive in caring for your boiler.

If you have a chimney, give it a sweep

Not every property has a chimney but if you do have one, it is important to clear it out.  Chimney fires are known to occur during the winter months so make sure that you minimise the chances of this sort of incident occurring in your home.

Insulate your home

Insulating your home is a very sensible idea and you should find that you can reduce your annual energy bills, so there is a financial justification for investing in insulation. Given that around 25% of the heat in your property is lost through the roof, it makes sense to start by insulating your loft or attic. There is also the option to insulating the cavity walls and this is an option that has helped many homeowners to save money while increasing the comfort of their home. It may be that there will be schemes and grants on offer to help you insulate your home so look out for this in your local area.

Consider your pipes

Frozen pipes can cause a problem and they can increase the likelihood of your pipes bursting. This is why you should consider lagging your pipes, protecting them with a layer of foam, as this will keep them warm and well protected against the elements.

When it comes to preparing your home for winter, being proactive will help you to enjoy your home this season and hopefully for many years to come.


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