
Presentation Tips For Selling Your Home
May, 2016

Presentation Tips For Selling Your Home

When it comes to selling your home, you shouldn’t leave anything to chance. You should be looking to make the best possible impression at all times and this is true whether your estate agent is taking photos or video clips for a property portal or you are welcoming a potential buyer into your home for a viewing. 

Making sure your home looks as clean and as attractive as possible makes sense, but it is important that property owners think beyond what their idea of what constitutes tidiness, cleanliness and style. This is why asking the experts at Bond Residential for advice on how to best present a property is a sensible move, and there are a number of steps that a property owner can take to increase the likelihood of selling their home. 

Here are some top tips for presenting your home in its best light for when you come to sell with Bond Residential: 

You must de-clutter 

This can be a simple task but it can have a massive impact as buyers are looking for space, and de-cluttering provides this which will appeal to would be buyers. 

You’ll also find that de-cluttering helps to make your home look tidier, which is another important aspect to consider. Aside from providing more space in your house, a tidy room makes it easier for a buyer to imagine themselves living there. A busy and cluttered room could have the opposite effect. 

Remove the personalised nature of your home 

If a potential buyer comes into your home to find pictures of your family and loved ones around the house, they will view it as your house, not their potential new home. Giving them a blank canvas to work with could be more beneficial to you when it comes to presenting your home. 

Rather than a portrait of your family in the hall, placing a mirror can have a better impact. A well-placed mirror can add space, but it is also a neutral element, something that every buyer or home can benefit from, so it makes sense to add this style of feature to your home when you are looking to sell a property. 

Take care of the DIY jobs you never finished 

In virtually every home across the country, there will be the odd DIY jobs that are unfinished. It can be difficult to find the time and motivation to finish off minor repair jobs, or fix the issues that don’t really have a negative impact on your life. 

However, while these issues don’t prevent you from living your daily life, they are problems that will stand out to a buyer who is viewing your property. A stuck drawer or a leaking shower may not mean much to you but to a potential buyer it can be a warning sign, indicating that the owner hasn’t cared for their home in the manner that they should have. 

This can create a bad impression and sometimes the small impressions are the ones that last longest in people’s minds. Whether you hire a handyman or take care of the work yourself, you’ll find that fixing all of the minor issues and problems around the home will have a positive impact on people viewing your property. 

Get rid of smells 

Various studies suggest that odours and bad smells are very off-putting for a potential buyer. Smells like mould, pet food or even cigarette smoke can linger in the air or on fabric, and they can cause people to form a negative impression of your home.

 You shouldn’t just be looking to mask bad smells; you should be looking to remove them at source. However, there is certainly a lot to be said for opening windows, freshening up your property and using plug-in air fresheners to make as positive an impression as you can. 

Don’t forget about the outdoors 

While many property owners may be tempted to spend their time and money focusing on the inside of their home, they need to think about the outside of their home too. The front of a property is the first thing that a potential buyer sees and “kerb appeal” is a big factor in the initial impression a potential buyer forms of a property. This is why you should be looking to tidy your garden, remove all toys, equipment or ‘mess’ from your driveway and look to make your garden as appealing as you possibly can.


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