
The benefits of accompanied viewings by the estate agent
December, 2015

The benefits of accompanied viewings by the estate agent

If you are putting your home on the market, you know that at some point you will start getting viewings booked in. This can be uncomfortable and daunting time for many people because this really drives home the idea that you are going to sell and other people could soon be living there.

Given that you are the current homeowners and you know the house very well, you can see why people think that they should be on hand to deal with the viewings. After all, if there are any questions to be answered, who better to answer them than the person who knows the house very well?

Arguments can be made for a viewing being accompanied by an estate agent. First of all potential buyers being can be made to feel more relaxed and more honest with an estate agent present. By and large, the British public are still quite polite and very few people would be keen to criticise a home while the current home owners are present. This means that they are unlikely to be open, which could cause you or the estate agent to pick up misleading signs. Leaving the viewing to the estate agent ensures that potential viewers can relax.

Take yourself out of the equation when it comes to showcasing your home

You will find that much of the advice surrounding styling your home is to remove yourself from it. If you have too many pictures of yourself and your family around the home, it can be difficult for other people to view the house as being theirs. This is the exact same scenario with respect to the current homeowner standing in their premises, so increase your chances of selling up by heading out before a viewing takes place.

An estate agent often views a property differently from the homeowner and having a fresh pair of eyes to look at a property can be of great benefit. You may have grown accustomed to certain flaws or issues in your home, so allowing an estate agent to come around and check out the property before viewing can minimise these issues. Allowing your estate agent to accompany the viewing can have another advantage as they can make the appropriate last minute adjustments to ensure your home looks great and ready for your potential buyers. Small things like turning on lights, having the house at a good temperature and staging aspects of your décor or furniture can have a big impact on what someone feels about the home.

If you are selling your home you are more likely to be occupied with the day to day activities in life, at work and with your family. Calling on the services of a professional estate agent allows you to focus on these other matters while ensuring the viewing takes place to the highest possible standard.

Estate agents are professional sales people and this is one of the key roles of their job. It stands to reason that they have the expertise and experience that can help to sell a home. So to maximise every opportuity utilise their skills when it comes to accompanying viewings. 


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