
Moving Home Checklist
April, 2016

Moving Home Checklist

Moving home can be a stressful and emotional time for anyone so to make it as simple as possible it makes sense to plan the process as much as you can. Depending on how much time you have to prepare for the move or how much assistance you have, you may find the process simpler than other people, but no matter the circumstances surrounding your move, you’ll find that creating a moving home checklist will help you along each step of the way.

If you have a lot of time in advance of the move, here are steps you should take around 4 to 6 weeks ahead of the move:

  • Confirm the proposed moving date with the relevant parties
  • If you are currently renting, provide notice to your landlord
  • Ensure that your home insurance is in place at exchange of contracts
  • If you plan on using a removals company, contact them and obtain quotes
  • If you plan on moving yourself, raise the issue and date with friends and family members
  • Determine if you require additional storage space to assist with the move
  • Inform all relevant utility companies of the move
  • Start to dispose of items that you don’t need in your new home
  • If you want new carpets or furniture to be ready for the new home, order them now

The following steps should be undertaken around 2 weeks ahead of the move:

  • Obtain boxes and packing material
  • Begin packing non-essential items
  • If you are moving away from the area, deregister from local services such as opticians and doctors
  • Arrange to have your mail forwarded
  • If you order milk/newspapers, advise them that you are stopping this service too!
  • If you have pets or children, arrange care for them on the moving day
  • Create a list of people/companies who need to know about your move and then start to inform them
  • Confirm arrangements with removal company or family/friends for the moving day
  • Contact your bank and change/stop any necessary Direct Debits or Standing Orders
  • Arrange the time to collect the keys for your new home

Just prior to moving home, you should look to give the property a thorough clean. If you are able to move boxes between rooms, you can do this in advance of the move.

Moving day itself can be chaotic, so these tips will help you to stay on top of things:

  • Properly label all boxes, indicating contents and where the boxes should go in your new home
  • If you have removed screws or bolts from furniture, seal them in bags and then secure them to the relevant furniture with masking tape
  • When moving in to your property, move in furniture first and then boxes
  • Carry spare lightbulbs, candles and batteries to ensure you have a backup plan in case things go wrong or haven’t been prepared for your arrival

Questions you should ask the seller/landlord:

  • Where is the thermostat located?
  • Where are the electricity, gas and water meters?
  • What days are the bins collected?
  • Who supplies the broadband, phone line and energy?
  • Where's the main stopcock (to shut off the water)?
  • Where are the boilers controls?


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